Demonstrate an ability to initiate meaningful connections with others. To unlock this credential...

This competency is associated with self-motivation, a “can-do” attitude, and with students seeing themselves as capable learners. It is integral to self-assessment.
Students who manage themselves are enterprising, resourceful, reliable, and resilient. They establish personal goals, make plans, manage projects, and set high standards. They have strategies for meeting challenges. They know when to lead, when to follow, and when and how to act independently.
Demonstrate an ability to initiate meaningful connections with others. To unlock this credential...
Demonstrate an understanding of your whakapapa by presenting your pepeha. To unlock this...
Confidently offer original ideas to achieve a group outcome. What you will demonstrate within the...
You can unlock this achievement up to three times by learning a poem by heart and performing it in...
To unlock this achievement, you need to attend all of your classes, every day, for four weeks. In...
To unlock this credential, you need to wear the correct uniform throughout the school or...
In order to unlock this credential, you need to bring have the right equipment with you to...
In order to unlock this achievement, you need to maintain an attendance record with no lates...
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic acting style of Victorian Melodrama. In your performance, you...
Work practically on the floor for a sustained period of time with focus. This will look...
Poker Face The state of neutrality. Be able to sustain dramatic neutral state to use in training...
Put into action the ideas of others positively to achieve a group outcome. You will demonstrate in...
Undertake an investigation of a commonly available product. This badge can be unlocked in the...
To unlock this achievement you will respond graciously to critical feedback and put it into...
Skills Create, design, and develop a project of your own. Show the mathematics in everyday life. ...
When you log into the Mount Aspiring College Achievement site, you earn the "Start" Badge.