Demonstrate an ability to initiate meaningful connections with others. To unlock this credential...

Relating to others is about interacting effectively with a diverse range of people in a variety of contexts. This competency includes the ability to listen actively, recognise different points of view, negotiate, and share ideas.
Students who relate well to others are open to new learning and able to take different roles in different situations. They are aware of how their words and actions affect others. They know when it is appropriate to compete and when it is appropriate to co-operate. By working effectively together, they can come up with new approaches, ideas, and ways of thinking.
Demonstrate an ability to initiate meaningful connections with others. To unlock this credential...
In order to unlock this credential, you must act with kindness in a situation. To do this, you...
Demonstrate an understanding of your whakapapa by presenting your pepeha. To unlock this...
Confidently offer original ideas to achieve a group outcome. What you will demonstrate within the...
This is a test badge to show how the nomination system works.
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic acting style of Victorian Melodrama. In your performance, you...
Work practically on the floor for a sustained period of time with focus. This will look...
Put into action the ideas of others positively to achieve a group outcome. You will demonstrate in...
To unlock this achievement you will respond graciously to critical feedback and put it into...
Skills Respond to another person's needs. Teach a skill to another student who needs support. ...