In order to unlock this credential, you need to be able to demonstrate the ability to evaluate the...

Using language, symbols, and texts is about working with and making meaning of the codes in which knowledge is expressed. Languages and symbols are systems for representing and communicating information, experiences, and ideas. People use languages and symbols to produce texts of all kinds: written, oral/aural, and visual; informative and imaginative; informal and formal; mathematical, scientific, and technological.
Students who are competent users of language, symbols, and texts can interpret and use words, number, images, movement, metaphor, and technologies in a range of contexts. They recognise how choices of language, symbol, or text affect people’s understanding and the ways in which they respond to communications. They confidently use ICT (including, where appropriate, assistive technologies) to access and provide information and to communicate with others.
In order to unlock this credential, you need to be able to demonstrate the ability to evaluate the...
Demonstrate an ability to initiate meaningful connections with others. To unlock this credential...
Demonstrate an understanding of your whakapapa by presenting your pepeha. To unlock this...
To unlock this credential, you need to be able to demonstrate the ability to extract information...
Create a table from given information In order to unlock this credential, you need to be able to...
In order to unlock this credential, you need to be able to demonstrate the ability to create a...
To unlock this badge you will demonstrate the ability to regularly recall your 3,4 and 6 times...
To unlock this badge you will demonstrate the ability to regularly recall your 2,5 and 10 times...
Undertake an investigation of a commonly available product. This badge can be unlocked in the...
Skills Create, design, and develop a project of your own. Show the mathematics in everyday life. ...
Explore how a literary allusion adds meaning to a text. In order to unlock this credential, you...
Objective: Write an essay. To unlock this credential, you need to write an essay of at least 800...
USE VOICE TO CONVEY MEANING: Performing Meaning: The vocal skills used to achieve meaning will...
Make choices of how to move through space to demonstrate understanding of role and situation. You...
Make choices in a dramatic space focusing on placement and proximity. Demonstrate purposeful use...
In order to unlock this achievement, you need to demonstrate the ability to add and subtract all...
Demonstrate an understanding of relevant social and/or historical contexts of a specified text. To...
Handle fractions in a given context. In order to unlock this achievement, you will need to...
You can unlock this badge up to three times by submitting no less than three paragraphs of work...
In order to achieve this badge, you must write a complete collection of scene summaries for a...
Identify and explain the use of a figurative language device in a specified text. To achieve this...
To unlock this achievement, you must learn a Shakespearian soliloquy by heart and present it to an...