In order to unlock this badge, you will need to individually plan and come up with a suitable purpose and a detailed, step-by-step method for an appropriate investigation.
- Write a statement that connects the Independent Variable with the Dependent Variable, with units if appropriate
- State how the independent variable will be controlled and correct units, if appropriate to the investigation
- State how the dependent variable will be controlled and correct units, if appropriate to the investigation
- Identify at least 3 controlled variables and describe how they will be controlled
- Include detailed steps of how to carry out the investigation so that it could be repeated in exactly the same way by another Year 10 student
- State how the test will be kept fair
What effect does changing salinity (2g, 4g, 6g and 8g of salt per 100ml) have on the germination rate of radish seeds, where germination is measured as the shoot breaking through the seed coat?
The aim of this experiment is to discover which material is the best insulator. A range 4 different materials (IV) will be used; bubble wrap, polythene, aluminium foil and cotton. The temperature of water (DV) surrounded by each material will be measured (oC) using a thermometer to determine which one loses the least amount of heat over a 15 minute period.
The independent variable for this investigation is the type of insulating material. The range of materials being used are; bubble wrap, polythene bag, foil and cotton and no material.
The dependent variable for this investigation is temperature. This will be measured using a thermometer and in degrees Celsius (oC).
- Before starting, collect all of the necessary equipment.
- Cover the containers with the different materials, attach with the same amount of sellotape and place them in the same place, so that the conditions are the kept constant for all of them.
- Fill another beaker with cold water and place all of the thermometers inside. After 4 minutes, check that all the thermometers are displaying the same temperature, this ensures that they all start at the same temperature.
- Heat a container with 1.5L of water and switch off when boiled.
- Whilst waiting for the water to boil, place the thermometers into the 5 individual, prepared beakers. When the water is ready, pour 250ml of boiling water into each container. Make sure to measure from the meniscus.
- After 1 minute record the temperature of the water in each container. Record the temperature of the water in each of the 5 containers every two minutes for 15 minutes.
- In order to make this a fair test the method needs to be repeated at least twice more, using exactly the same steps.
- The results need to be collected in a table and the average temperature loss for each material type calculated and represented in a bar graph.