Here are Renee and Chris' Year 10 class sites - where our teaching in relation to Romeo and Juliet can be found
Podcast: Revise and Repeat
How we will measure agency in our school.
This blog entry explains the three elements of agency we have isolated for evidence, and the measures we will use to determine any effect once micro-credentials are introduced to the classroom.
Podcast: The Pedal Hits the Metal
Today's Links: Our 5 Badge Typologies
A Measure of Student Agency
Minutes of our initial workshop, facilitated by Rosemary Hipkins, in which we worked to define a meaningful means of assessing student agency.
Typologies: What are we assessing?
The information below is intended to be used as a guide to the five types of micro-credentials (represented by digital badges) that can be assessed in this scheme.
Update: 10 February
Everything is now in place for you to start building your credentials and putting them into action in your selected classes this term/year.